I'm not Greek, but a citizen of the world.
– Socrates
Law and justice are not the same thing.
– Cicero
The strong do what they can; the weak, what they must.
– Thucydides
Early learning shapes our life.
The story is about you.
– Horace
– Socrates
– Cicero
– Thucydides
– Horace
Signed in as:
The Classical ideal of a common human nature inspired the multiracial alliance of the 20th-century Civil Rights movement. As history shows, however, dictators from Caesar to Mussolini have also leveraged Classical ideals. Repairing democracy therefore requires us to unplug Classics from its complicity in oppression while reviving its role in positive change. With so many problems dividing peoples, it's time to recover the Greco-Roman roots of social justice.
We're a diverse cadre of young scholars rebooting the Great Books to promote equity through empathy. Our academic advisors help us open pathways for knowledge-exchange beyond the classroom, bringing Classics into global dialogue with other cultures. Our nonprofit partners provide our Fellows with opportunities for civic engagement. We're supported by the Society for Classical Studies, which sponsors our work with an Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities grant.
Our research initiatives and media promote humane understanding, but we also practice what we teach. We serve communities underserved by traditional academic Classics. We read Homer to Alzheimer’s patients. We retell Greek myths to Pre-K students. We use Aristotle's Rhetoric in writing workshops for low-income college applicants. Our journal, @ClassicsUnplugged, is a forum for new and developing scholarship in Classics. We're applying old wisdom to new problems to make a difference.